(Read Carefully, Mark, Fill and Sign)
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Liability Release Waiver

The World Health Organization has declared the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) a worldwide pandemic. Due to its capacity to transmit from person-to-person, or through respiratory droplets, the government has set recommendations, guidelines, and some prohibitions which STAR TOWING, (the "Organization") adheres to comply.

In consideration of my participation in the foregoing activities or services, which includes the participation of contact tracing efforts with state and federal agencies, if needed, the undersigned acknowledge and agree to the following:

Following the pronouncements above I hereby declare the following:

This liability release waiver will remain effective from the date acknowledged forward with no expiration.

Please answer how many passengers in your control under the age of 18, including yourself involved in this service.

Please enter the name(s) of the passenger(s) under the age of 18, that are riding in the vehicle at the time of the incident and present at the service.
Please separate names with commas.
(Ex: John Doe, Nancy Doe, Eric Doe, Sally Johnson)

Enter your full name.

This form field must have the complete email address to complete the form.

Please enter the phone number with dashes.
(Ex: 801-471-7444)

Please use your complete full name.
(Ex: John Turner Doe = First, Middle and Last)
Your digital signature here is considered legal and contractually binding.
Please enter your digital signature whether you are the owner, or the driver, of the vehicle.

Digital acknowledgement signature date of signing.
(Ex: 8-24-2014 or 8/24/2014)

Digital acknowledgement signature time of signing.
(Ex: 11:59AM or 11:59 AM)

Thank you for taking the time to fill-out our form!

Have a great day!